You can’t fight your inner critic…

It’s true. You can’t fight it. When you ignore your inner critic their voice is only going to get louder - demanding that you pay attention. So how do you navigate it?

…” ignore your inner critic their voice is only going to get louder”

We've all been there. You're about to step out of your comfort zone—maybe start a podcast, ask a new friend to hang out, or tackle a challenging hike—when suddenly, that familiar voice pipes up: "Who do you think you are? You're not ready for this." That, my friends, is your inner critic, and it's time we had a heart-to-heart about this persistent naysayer in our heads.

My Personal Battle with the Inner Critic

Let me share a recent experience that brought my inner critic front and center. I had set an ambitious schedule for creating content—blog posts, Instagram updates, Pinterest pins, you name it. But despite my enthusiasm, I found myself procrastinating day after day. It wasn't laziness; it was that nagging voice whispering, "No one cares. This is dumb. Why are you even bothering?"

Sound familiar? Your inner critic might have different scripts, but the effect is the same: it keeps you small, safe, and far from your dreams.

Identifying Your Inner Critic

Your inner critic is that internal dialogue that undermines your worth, abilities, and dreams. It's not your authentic voice—it's a protective mechanism gone rogue. Common phrases include:

  • "I'm not good enough"

  • "You don't know enough to succeed"

  • "What makes you think you can be in that top 1%?"

These thoughts create circular patterns that can be hard to break. But here's the crucial part: recognizing these patterns is the first step to breaking free.

The Origins of Your Inner Critic

Our inner critics don't materialize out of thin air. They're shaped by our experiences, the messages we've internalized, and societal expectations. In my case, I realized that some of my self-doubt stemmed from childhood experiences where taking risks was discouraged. Understanding this helped me separate my authentic desires from these learned fears.

I remember hearing a lot as a child that I was going to struggle once I got out into the real world, because I was “a lot.” I had a lot of attitude. I had a lot to say. I had a lot going on. When I did grow up I remember thinking “wow I am a lot. I should try to be quieter. I should try to be this or that…” I started living a life that wasn’t in alignment with who I was or who I wanted to be. I made myself smaller because I listened to my inner critic. I listened to those childhood thoughts and the end result had me feeling alone and not knowing who I was.

Distinguishing Your Inner Critic from Your True Voice

Here's a game-changer I've learned: Your inner critic is not your true voice. When I'm creating content, my authentic self is excited to share and connect. The critic? It's the one telling me to play it safe and stay invisible. Learning to distinguish between these voices has been transformative.

Strategies for Taming Your Inner Critic

1. Practice Awareness

Start by simply noticing when your inner critic speaks up. Don't judge it—just observe. I've found journaling to be incredibly helpful here. Try asking yourself, "What story am I telling myself right now?"

2. Get Curious, Not Furious

Instead of fighting your inner critic, get curious about it. Ask yourself:

  • Why do I feel stuck?

  • What's holding me back?

  • What is this emotion or thought trying to tell me?

3. Reframe the Narrative

Once you've identified your inner critic's messages, challenge them. For every negative thought, try to come up with a more balanced or positive alternative.

[Personal Anecdote Placeholder: Share a specific example of how you've reframed a negative thought]

4. Affirmations and Visualizations

Positive affirmations and visualizing your dream life can be powerful tools. Some of my favorites include:

  • "I have everything I need to succeed within me right now."

  • "I trust myself to make the right choice for me."

  • "I will live my life the way I want and desire."

The Power of Community

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Surrounding yourself with supportive people who uplift you can make a world of difference. In fact, it was a message from a stranger telling me how much my content had helped them that silenced my inner critic and reignited my passion for creating.

A Challenge for You

I want to challenge you for the next 7 days to become an inner critic detective. Each day, write down one limiting thought and replace it with a more empowering one. Share your journey with me on Instagram or TikTok @takingupspacewithjordan—I'll be doing the same!

Conclusion: Embracing Imperfection and Growth

Remember, the goal isn't to silence your inner critic completely—it's to recognize it, question it, and move forward anyway. Every time you choose to act despite your doubts, you reclaim a bit more of your power and confidence.

Your inner critic may always be there, but it doesn't have to drive the car. You're in control, and you have everything you need to succeed right now.

Check out my latest episode to hear more of my story and how to take the next steps in your journey and living your dream life.


10 Life Lessons I Learned in My 20s: A Journey to Self-Trust


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