Understanding and Nurturing Your Passion

Passion is a fascinating concept, often linked with the word "strong"—a strong belief, a strong feeling, or a strong...something. It's a complex idea, deeply personal and varying from person to person. Passion influences our happiness, motivation, career choices, and overall life satisfaction. It even impacts our love for people.

Defining Passion

Answering the question, "What are you passionate about?" can be challenging. Our thoughts often drift to our pets, family, or loved ones. The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer to that question. Passion is how you engage with the world, tied to personal sentiments, memories, and meanings. It's more than just a hobby; it's what brings you joy and puts you in the zone.

Have you watched the movie Soul by Disney? In the movie, souls find their sparks—their passions—and when they discover their spark on Earth, they go into the zone, a place where they transcend the mortal planes and float in their world. This idea suggests that we all have a "spark," and we must experience the world to find it. For some, it happens in childhood, and for others, it occurs later in life. Regardless, we all have passions that light us up.

My Passion: Life Coaching

My passion is being a life coach. I love helping people navigate the world around them. I enjoy being future-focused, though I believe you must uncover past trauma to move forward and thrive. I discovered coaching through my therapist, who suggested it as a potential path during a time of uncertainty. As I researched coaching, I felt a connection and alignment, realizing it was what lit me up.

I never tire of helping people navigate their goals, which is why I love podcasting—it has become an extension of my coaching as I build my business. I get excited about what I do, think about it before bed, and it brings me joy and happiness. I felt the spark and realized it was something I had been missing.

Finding Your Passion

To differentiate between hobbies and passions, write a list of everything you believe you are passionate about and your hobbies. Your list does not need to be organized or neat. For example, my list includes:

  • Coffee drinking in the morning

  • Petting my dogs

  • Going on walks

  • Planting pretty flowers

  • Making pasta

  • Writing

  • Coaching

  • Paddleboarding

  • Playing Sims

  • Drinking rosé

  • Working out

  • Taking pictures

Now, ask yourself, what would you miss with your heart, not just your hands, if taken away? For me, it's petting my dogs, coaching, and writing. These passions are ingrained in who I am.

Harmonious vs. Obsessive Passion

In personal life, there are two types of passion: harmonious and obsessive. Harmonious passion aligns with your values and brings fulfillment, while obsessive passion is more negative, associated with compulsive feelings and stress. The goal is harmonious passion, which creates fulfillment and enhances well-being.

To maintain harmonious passion, identify your core beliefs, which are your guiding principles and values. Reflect on questions like:

  1. What values are most important to me?

  2. How do I define success?

  3. What motivates me in difficult times?

  4. How do I want to be remembered by others?

  5. What issues or causes am I deeply passionate about?

Passion in Professional Life

Are you doing something professionally that excites and fulfills you? If so, congratulations! Combining what you love with what you do brings higher drive, motivation, and greater job satisfaction. However, passion can be fleeting and lead to burnout.

Overcoming Barriers to Passion

Fighting for your passion requires tough skin. Common barriers include fear of failure, societal expectations, and self-doubt. Fear is natural, but don't let it stop you. Shift your perspective on failure and accept it as part of the learning process.

Societal expectations can impose limitations, especially on people of color and women. You get to choose who you want to be, regardless of societal norms. Self-doubt often arises from past experiences and comparisons. Practice self-compassion, acknowledge your strengths, and take small steps toward your goals.

Balancing Passion and Purpose

Maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. Passion should enhance your life, not consume it. Remember, passion is not the same as purpose. While passion drives you, purpose gives you direction and meaning. If you feel overwhelmed, take time to reflect, seek support, and allow yourself to rest and recharge.

By understanding and nurturing your passion, you can pursue what lights you up while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

Discovering and nurturing your passion is a journey that requires self-reflection, courage, and perseverance. It involves understanding what truly excites you and aligning it with your values and beliefs. While the path to finding your passion may be challenging, the rewards are immense, bringing a sense of fulfillment and joy. Remember to balance your passion with purpose, allowing it to enhance your life rather than dominate it. Embrace the process, celebrate your progress, and continue to explore what lights you up. Your passion is a unique and powerful force that can lead to a more vibrant and meaningful life.


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